Top Row: Lane Neiman, Sheri Schrader, Simone Merchant Middle Row: Jessica Korovich, Frances Graiff, Jasmine Mason, Christopher Clavo, Danica Meade, Nelly Perdomo Bottom Row: Chris Lavarco, Allison McNamara, Alejandra Martinez, Anecia Blair, Yesenia Torralvo, Claudia Delgado, Alma Leston
In our latest edition of The People of Party Rental series, we’re proud to shine the spotlight on the sixteen newest CERP-Certified team members who rose up to the challenge and officially became “Certified Event Rental Professionals” (CERPs) this year.
Offered by the American Rental Association (ARA), this exclusive certification is the only program of its kind in the event rental industry that provides specialized areas of study. After completing a Foundations of the Party and Event Rental Industry course, each of our dedicated team members chose two additional disciplines to complete within 18 months, along with earning at least 25 professional credits and completing an essay on a rental-specific subject provided by the ARA.
Disciplines included a range of topics from Tabletop Design, to Linen Processing Specialist, to Warehouse Operations to Driver Delivery Operations, and more. CERP graduates gain additional knowledge along with credentials that demonstrate their expertise and commitment to the industry.
A few of our team members shared their experiences with us, including Allison McNamara, Customer Service Manager. “I took Tabletop Design and Warehouse Operations in addition to the Foundations course that everyone takes,” she told us, “I was most surprised to learn that rentals actually started through Funeral Homes!”
Allison found the Warehouse topic especially interesting. “While I get the chance to listen to my colleagues in Back of House discuss warehouse layouts, racking, etc., the course dug deeper into the “why” – why is a warehouse set up with a specific flow, why is racking important to specific types of product, etc. I felt that this built on my knowledge base and now I have a better understanding and appreciation for our warehouse. Safety was also a major topic in the course. Having a well thought out warehouse that is functional is great, but without a solid safety plan, it means nothing.”
Although Party Rental Ltd. does not offer tents, I decided to learn Tenting Operations. Being on the Off-Premise Major team, I constantly work with large events that include multiple tents so I wanted to learn more about that production. It was very interesting to learn the different types of tents in the industry and the huge production that goes into that.
Christopher Clavo, Event Rental Specialist
I like that Party Rental Ltd. offered the CERP program – giving us the opportunity to grow within the industry. One of the benefits of the program for me was that I was put in a position where I had to challenge myself in order to reach a goal. Just knowing I had to go to a college, sit in front of a computer, and take and pass a test was something I had not done in quite some time. For this reason I wanted to prove to myself that I could still do it and succeed.
Danica Meade, Event Rental Specialist
It gave you more insight into certain aspects within the industry and additional skills to help you with certain situations.
Sheri Schrader, Event Rental Specialist
It was beneficial in advancing my career and expanding my knowledge of the rental industry. I was surprised to learn how advanced our technology is compared to the examples in the books.
Frances Graiff, Event Rental Specialist
It gave us a different outlook and specific ideas on how to see certain situations differently.
Claudia Delgado, Event Rental Specialist
Becoming certified was important to me, in showing my commitment to the industry, Party Rental Ltd., and our clients. There are a few highly regarded trade organizations in the world of events but none of them quite grasp exactly what it is that an Event Rental Specialist does on a daily basis. The ARA and CERP certifications nail it. It builds a comradery among us.
Jessica Korovich, Event Rental Specialist
Party Rental Ltd. truly is in a league of its own. We as a company have found ways to step outside of the box to service our clients in ways that most, if any other rental companies have ever been able to. We are not simply a rental source – we are an event service provider.
Congratulations to these incredible professionals who are dedicated to providing outstanding service to our customers!